Period robot nears. Pentagon through a subordinate agency, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) was developing several robotic development projects. The latest is a Terminator-style robot called ATLAS.
The robot has a height of 1.8 meters with a weight of 150 kilograms. To make the body of the robot, DARPA was working with an organization called Boston Dynamics.
Parties Boston Dynamics claims that the robot has a body that is strong and able to climb by using the hands and feet. This robot was made to be able to cope with various types of terrain, from muddy fields, forests, deserts and others.
To show off the capabilities of this robot, DARPA, has just released a video. In the video, the robot is shown ATLAS perform various movements, from walking to avoid some obstacles.
Description: Pentagon middle Develop Terminator-style robot named ATLAS
Rating: 5
Reviewer: Rizal
ItemReviewed: Pentagon middle Develop Terminator-style robot named ATLAS
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