Sunday, January 12, 2014

Not to be outdone, now UPS Delivery Perform Experiments Using drones

Jeff Bezos has revealed its plans to use unmanned aircraft , or drones for the delivery system to the Amazon customers . It also seems to be a serious threat for companies such as UPS delivery . And that is not outdated, UPS was reportedly conducted experiments using drones in the delivery of goods.
A source revealed that UPS told The Verge . The experiments they are doing in the company's lab . In a statement to the public , UPS said that the commercial use of drones is an exciting technology . UPS also said that they are considering to use such technology.

Ryan Calo , a professor in the field of drones say that the use of such technology would likely only cover a limited area . For companies such as UPS , Calo said that they would use a drone to send packets from the airport to the major cities . But they are not going to use drones to send packets directly to the doorstep of its customers as practiced by Amazon.

Description: Not to be outdone, now UPS Delivery Perform Experiments Using drones Rating: 5 Reviewer: Rizal ItemReviewed: Not to be outdone, now UPS Delivery Perform Experiments Using drones


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