Saturday, January 11, 2014

Google is now Officially Becomes Owner Company maker Boston Dynamics Robot

Google now not only known as a search engine. The company is led by Larry Page has had a lot of other services, such as Android, cloud storage and others. And do not rule out, Google is also going to be a company that manufactures a robot.
This is after Google officially acquired Boston Dynamics, a company making a robot. The two sides did not mention how much money is being spent by Google to acquire Boston Dynamics.

Boston Dynamics sticking name in 2008 after they made a robot called BigDog. Furthermore, they also continue to strive to produce other robots, including a robot cat that is capable of traveling at speeds of 15 miles per hour or about 24 kilometers per hour.

Google has not explained what they would do after successfully having Boston Dynamics. Are they interested in making a robot for a general audience?

Description: Google is now Officially Becomes Owner Company maker Boston Dynamics Robot Rating: 5 Reviewer: Rizal ItemReviewed: Google is now Officially Becomes Owner Company maker Boston Dynamics Robot


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