Monday, January 6, 2014

Microsoft Rumored to Develop middle Smartwatch with Windows 8 OS and Using Transparent Aluminum

Microsoft is reportedly developing a smartwatch that use Windows 8 . Even smartwatch project is now reportedly has produced several prototypes.
A news reported from Softpedia revealed that the smartwatch will be equipped with a screen measuring 1.5 inches . The same source also said that the smartwatch being tested by several companies at once and ready to be published in 2014.

Furthermore , smart watches are said to be present in several colors , namely blue , red , yellow , black , white and gray . Not only that , watches didesan Windows 8 it will be with a new type of aluminum called aluminum oxynitride . Aluminum is also said to have a transparency of 80 percent and 4 times harder than glass.

Other features that will be owned watches are SkyDrive support . The watches also reportedly will have 4G LTE connectivity and will be compatible with Windows Phone.

Description: Microsoft Rumored to Develop middle Smartwatch with Windows 8 OS and Using Transparent Aluminum Rating: 5 Reviewer: Rizal ItemReviewed: Microsoft Rumored to Develop middle Smartwatch with Windows 8 OS and Using Transparent Aluminum


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