Wednesday, January 22, 2014

OMC Develop Industrial Mixing System Using Multi-Axis Robot from Nachi

Industrial mixing system developed by the OMC, it turns out using a multi-axis robot from Nachi.

In contrast to conventional mixing systems in general that rotates the container by using a two-axis, multi-axis robot uses multi-directional and can enhance the effects of stirring, mixing (mixing) and dispersing various existing materials in a shorter time.

Mixing capacity depends on the robot are used, with a maximum capacity of about 700 kg.

And even in the future, OMC also has plans to expand the use of this system to various other industrial sectors, such as food production and pharmaceutical manufacturing.

Description: OMC Develop Industrial Mixing System Using Multi-Axis Robot from Nachi Rating: 5 Reviewer: Rizal ItemReviewed: OMC Develop Industrial Mixing System Using Multi-Axis Robot from Nachi


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