Saturday, January 25, 2014

Google now Got Two New Robots That Can Joget Gangnam Style

We are not only interested in acquiring other companies. They also turned out to have just bought a sophisticated robot that can imitate human movement. Even the robot can also jig-style Gangnam Style.

Two Hubo robot named was purchased by Google for $ 40 million USD. This robot is also able to mimic human movements using a motion detection camera. There are two robotic units purchased by Google. Google spent a total funding of 80 million USD for the second robot.

Two Hubo robot that has a high flexibility. The robot even has a hand that can mimic the movement of the rope lasso on the dance Gangnam Style.

Description: Google now Got Two New Robots That Can Joget Gangnam Style Rating: 5 Reviewer: Rizal ItemReviewed: Google now Got Two New Robots That Can Joget Gangnam Style


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