Monday, January 13, 2014

Amazon Will Make the alias Robot Drone Aircraft to Purchase Package Express Delivery only Half Hour

A newly disclosed kejuatan by Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos about his company's policy . Bezos revealed that within the next few years , it will utilize unmanned aircraft to deliver the package to the consumer.
With the robotic aircraft , Amazon can send packets directly to the customers door . Not only that , this delivery model will also provide a time-efficient , which is about 30 minutes . The drone can carry packets with weights up to 2.2 kilograms.

Bezos explained that the unmanned aircraft to utilize a means of sending a package of goods is not only in science fiction . He also said that this project could be realized at least in the next four or five years.

Even so , there is the greatest obstacle if Amazon wants to use the robotic drone . The hurdle is how Amazon in order to obtain approval from the Federal Aviation Administration ( FAA ) . Especially in terms of security.

Description: Amazon Will Make the alias Robot Drone Aircraft to Purchase Package Express Delivery only Half Hour Rating: 5 Reviewer: Rizal ItemReviewed: Amazon Will Make the alias Robot Drone Aircraft to Purchase Package Express Delivery only Half Hour


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