Slowly but surely, the Windows 8 operating system users continues to increase. Even in the most recent data, the latest OS managed to be the third most popular beat Windows Vista.
In the most recent data in June 2013 issued by Net Applications noted that Windows 8 users now make up 5.1 percent percent. Meanwhile Windows Vista only accounted for 4.62 percent gain.
Meanwhile in the first place is that Windows 7 prosesentase appeared dominant with 44.37 percent followed by Windows XP that is in second place with a percentage of 37.17 percent.
Overall, Microsoft's operating system far outshines Apple's Mac OS. Total OS Windows controls 91.51 per cent of the operating system market. While Mac OS only get a percentage of 7.2 percent.
Description: OS Windows 8 Operating System Desktop Now Become The World's Third Most Popular Beating Vista
Rating: 5
Reviewer: Rizal
ItemReviewed: OS Windows 8 Operating System Desktop Now Become The World's Third Most Popular Beating Vista
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