A tiny robot named Kirobo launched to the international space station . Robots as high as 34 centimeters and weighs 1 kilogram of these also have a high level of intelligence and ability to learn.
The launch of the robot itself is conducted on Sunday ( 04/08/2013 ) . According to the plan , the plane carrying the robot will arrive at the international space station on Friday.
This robot is the result of a collaboration between the University of Tokyo , Toyota Motor Corp. and Dentsu Inc. This robot was designed to be able to move smoothly in space and capable of operating in a zero gravity environment.
Not only that , it also has a robot voice and face recognition technology . As a complement , Kirobo is also able to speak and communicate with the astronauts . That way , the robot is also able to talk with astronauts on the space station.
Unfortunately , for the moment the robot Kirobo still not understand English . The only language understood by Kirobo is Japanese. And according to the plan , a Japanese astronaut Koichi Wakata was named Kirobo will follow in November.
Description: Kirobo, Tiny Robot that Can Talk Soaring into Space
Rating: 5
Reviewer: Rizal
ItemReviewed: Kirobo, Tiny Robot that Can Talk Soaring into Space
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