Microsoft seems to be trying hard to be able to attract consumers to use the Windows 8 OS. One is to provide popular applications on the latest platforms.
This is also proved by a study conducted by the agency called Infragistics. According to a study they did, it was revealed that as many as 54 percent of the most popular applications on the iOS platform turns out there is in the operating system Windows 8.
In conducting the study, Infragistics has selected as many as 100 different applications. However, the application does not include 100 games. Then they also check the availability of these applications on other platforms, namely Windows Phone, Windows 8 and Android.
The number of applications is also likely to continue to increase. Moreover, it seems Microsoft will continue to attract application developers to use his platform.
Description: 54 Percent of Most Popular iOS Applications Available for Windows 8
Rating: 5
Reviewer: Rizal
ItemReviewed: 54 Percent of Most Popular iOS Applications Available for Windows 8
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