Monday, December 30, 2013

Windows 8 devices from Lenovo will Have the Start button

The absence of the Start button on the Windows 8 be controversial . Many people who objected to the loss of the key. And it is also a serious concern for the world electronics manufacturers.

Lenovo also be one of them . Companies from China will present the Start button in Windows 8 products hers . And to bring the key, Lenovo was working with and adding SweetLabs Pokki Start Menu in Windows 8 devices.

Director of Software and Content Services Eskeskutif Lenovo , Peter Gaucher said that the collaboration with Lenovo Sweetlabs be a step to give satisfaction to the consumer . Lenovo will bring the key to all Windows 8 devices sold around the world.

The Start button is officially disappeared in Windows 8 . But it turns out the Microsoft decided to bring the button on Windows 8.1 . Even so , the button only gives access to the Start screen , instead of the Start Menu.

Description: Windows 8 devices from Lenovo will Have the Start button Rating: 5 Reviewer: Rizal ItemReviewed: Windows 8 devices from Lenovo will Have the Start button


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