You know about a place by the name of Tokelau ? Fair enough if you do not know , because Tokelau is a tiny island that is part of the New Zealand region . Although small and many do not know about this island , Tokelau is home to a number of users of Windows 8 dominant.
The fact is of course different from most other places in the world . According to data released by StatCounter , there are 26.87 percent of users of Windows 8 on the island . There are as many as 1400 total population inhabiting Tokelau.
StatCounter noted that Tokelau is currently the region with the highest percentage of users of Windows 8 in the world . There are several other areas in the world with a share of Windows 8 users who are above 10 percent , but still far enough from Tokelau . The following are the areas of :
Belize - 10.6 percent
Botswana - 10.18 percent
Brazil - 10:34 percent
British Virgin Islands - 11.95 percent
Cape Verde - 10.76 percent
Chile - 10.71 percent
Comoros - 10:08 percent
Dominica _ 12.95 percent
French Guiana - 10.97 percent
Ghana - 14.95 percent
Guadeloupe - 10.66 percent
Haiti - 12.1 percent
Jamaica - 12:26 percent
Kiribati - 14.86 percent
Maldives - 13.76 percent
Marshall Islands - 16.08 percent
Martinique - 11:59 percent
Mayotte - 12.86 percent
Micronesia - 10.65 percent
Namibia - 10.87 percent
Nepal - 12:17 percent
Nicaragua - 10.93 percent
Portugal - 10:37 percent
Puerto Rico - 10.6 percent
Qatar - 11:43 percent
Saint Lucia - 10:02 percent
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - 13:32 percent
Virgin Islands ( U.S. ) - 12.49 percent
Sao Tome and Principe - 10:15 percent
Wallis and Futuna - 10.62 percent
In general , this time Windows 8 is an operating system with the third highest number of users in the world . Users of Windows 8 is 7:17 percent reached this far less than his two predecessors , namely Windows XP ( 20:59 per cent ) and Windows 7 ( 51.97 percent ).
Description: In the middle of nowhere, Windows 8 Servings Have Had Fewest Users
Rating: 5
Reviewer: Rizal
ItemReviewed: In the middle of nowhere, Windows 8 Servings Have Had Fewest Users
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