Sunday, December 29, 2013

Skype WiFi for Windows 8 Get Updates His First

Skype WiFi is a freeware application based on Windows 8 and RT which allows users to directly connect to public Wi-Fi networks, reportedly has now received an update is available for free in the first and the Windows Store.

According to the official release notes are published in the online store the Windows Store, Skype WiFi is now comes with the ability to sign-in to use the Microsoft account. In addition, this latest application has also been equipped with additional support for 26 new languages ​​in it.

As for any operate, first of all you simply connect to a public WiFi hostspot anywhere. Once connected, turn on the Skype WiFi app by pressing the "Connect" big green and now you have to connect to the internet. Hm, pretty easy right?

Description: Skype WiFi for Windows 8 Get Updates His First Rating: 5 Reviewer: Rizal ItemReviewed: Skype WiFi for Windows 8 Get Updates His First


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