Saturday, December 21, 2013

Bing Translator 8 1.1.10917.2059 Present For Windows Users 8/8.1/RT

Microsoft has just released the latest version of the Bing Translator app which this time has entered the 1.1.10917.2059 version 8.

By carrying out a number of bug fixes and some performance optimization application in it, the latest version of the Bing Translator is present to further improve the overall operation of the Windows 8 platform and 8.1.

Although the details of the release have not been obtained so far, but the latest version of the Bing Translator is certainly going to continue to offer the same feature-rich packaging, such as text and translation of the camera, text to speech, and support for Snap View mode in Windows 8.

Thanks to its support for the operating system Windows 8 and Windows RT, then the user will also be able to install the latest version of the Bing Translator is the presence of RT Surface tablet.

Description: Bing Translator 8 1.1.10917.2059 Present For Windows Users 8/8.1/RT Rating: 5 Reviewer: Rizal ItemReviewed: Bing Translator 8 1.1.10917.2059 Present For Windows Users 8/8.1/RT


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