Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Version Rayman Jungle Run Latest Games For Windows-Based Devices 8/RT

Ubisoft has just launched the latest version of the popular game Rayman Jungle Run it with a few improvements designed specifically for users of devices based on Windows 8 and Windows RT.

Although not much can be revealed this time related to the latest version, but Ubisoft has stated that the game play can now be carried out with good (compatible) on some new devices and even be a little faster when executed on a processor unit support existing ATOM.

So far, the game Rayman Jungle Run can be downloaded and installed on the computer that is based on all versions of Microsoft operating systems, including x86 and x64 build desktop or tablet-based Windows RT Surface RT.

While for those who are interested and want to try downloading the latest version of the game Rayman Jungle Run for Windows 8/RT can click on the following link.

Description: Version Rayman Jungle Run Latest Games For Windows-Based Devices 8/RT Rating: 5 Reviewer: Rizal ItemReviewed: Version Rayman Jungle Run Latest Games For Windows-Based Devices 8/RT


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